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Find out where Gizmo is going

Here are some of the major plans slated for Gizmo. If there are any features that you would like to see, please submit your ideas in the Message Forum.

  • UI optimizations and usability improvements - Gizmo has evolved through 3 UI trends over the past 5 years. Most releases will contain usability improvements, making the application more consistent, and easier to use
  • Gizmo Trigger - a brand new plug-in for Gizmo, to allow PCs to execute functionality on another PC, securely, through the use of triggers
  • Unicode support - the code is being adjusted to support full UTF-16; Gizmo is currently built around UTF-8
  • UI localization - although Gizmo supports 'language switching', the strings need to be translated and somehow maintained. (A system is being put together, which will allow people to translate Gizmo's UI into their home language)
  • VI bindings for Gizmo Editor - there have been a lot of great ideas submitted for Gizmo Editor, including the ability to support common VI bindings
  • Revising the Projects feature - this has been neglected for some time, and is scheduled to be improved, so that it works with some of the newer features of Gizmo
  • Improved Documentation - both the help files and support site will be updated to provide better illustrations of Gizmo's core functionality
How can I help? Thank you for your willingness to improve Gizmo. For more information on how to contribute, please visit How to Help.